Legislation for Curaçao |
The Central bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten is the regulatory authority (www.centralbank.an).
The supervision of investment institutions and administrators resulted from the enactment of the National Ordinance
on the Supervision of Investment Institutions and Administrators (N.G. 2002, no. 37) (“NOSIIA”) as of January 2003.
The main objectives of the NOSIIA are to protect the interests of (potential) investors and to preserve and foster
the reputation of the Countries of Curacao and Sint Maarten as a sound, transparent, and reputable financial center
by exerting effective supervision of the licensed investment institutions and administrators.
Exerting effective supervision comprises among others things, assessing the financial soundness, business integrity,
administrative organization, and internal control environment of the licensed institutions, as well as their
provision of information to investors. Moreover, exerting effective supervision fosters, promotes, and further
develops the proper functioning of financial market of Curacao.
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Legislation for Bonaire |
The Dutch Central Bank is the regulatory authority (www.dnb.nl).
On October 10, 2010, the former Netherlands Antilles were dissolved and Bonaire became a public body belonging
to the Netherlands. As of that date, during a transitional phase, the supervisory legislation will consist of
Antillean State Ordinances that have been converted into BES Islands Acts. The provisions will be largely
unchanged by the conversion of Ordinances into Acts. The changes will relate primarily to the names resulting
from the constitutional reforms. More substantive changes are anticipated in relation to anti-money laundering
and the combating of terrorism financing. These changes will be broadly similar to the current changes to Antillean
Two new Acts
The aim is to rapidly replace the legislation in force during the transitional period (if possible, with effect
from 2012) with legislation that is more final in nature. In principle, this will consist of two Acts: the
Financial Markets (BES Islands) Act (Wet financiële markten BES/Wfm BES) and the Money Laundering and Terrorism
Financing (BES Islands) Act (Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme BES/Wwft BES).
The Wfm BES will contain a number of additional and tighter provisions relative to the Acts applicable during
the transitional phase, and will also result in further harmonisation of the rules for the different sectors.
Prudential supervision
The additional provisions will relate primarily to a new code of ethics for dealing with consumers, such as rules
regarding the disclosure of information, the provision of credit, complaints handling, etc. An example of tighter
prudential supervision will be the incorporation of elements of Basel II into the solvency supervision of banks.
Many of the proposed amendments are in line with similar proposals by the Antillean Government.
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More legislation |
Ingeschreven Assurantiebemiddelaars.
Assurantiebemiddelaars ingeschreven in het register conform artikel 4 van de Landsverordening Assurantiebemiddelingsbedrijf (P.B. 2003, Nr. 113)
Download this list here (Excel).
Statuten CBIA.
De CBIA statuten van 7 december 2012
Download this document here (PDF).
Landsverordening 13 september 2000.
Regels inzake het toezicht verzekeringsbedrijf.
Download this document here (Word).
Landsverordening 24 oktober 2003
Vastgestelde regels met betrekking tot de uitoefening van het assurantiebemiddelingsbedrijf.
Download this document here (PDF).
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